Creations Made with a Mom's Love

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Holiday outfits???

I have never really been one for holiday outfits.  I have always felt that it was a waste of money to only wear an outfit once a year.  THEN i had a little girl who LOVES to dress up!  Now I find myself looking for things that I can make for her to wear for almost any holiday.  Speaking of which I just bought fabric to make Emily a skirt for Valentines day....  What do you guys think?

 Holiday outfits or no.......


  1. I think that hearts on little girls are not just for Valentines day. So as long as the clothes don't say Happy V Day she can wear them year 'round. I do agree with your thoughts about it being a waste of money to have clothes for the holidays. All of Nat's Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas tops and dresses have been given to us so I haven't had to decide whether or not to buy them. For myself, I stop at buying the decorative socks. They are cheap, fun, and low key.

  2. Thanks Tara for adding in some input! I do have some festive socks for my self but that is as far as I have gone!
